180 CLUB





The Three Holes Village Hall & Playing Field (THVH&PF) committee 180 Club is open to people living in the area to purchase a ticket and your assigned ticket number will be entered into a monthly draw. There will be 12 draws throughout the year (SEPTEMBER TO AUGUST ), by the Treasurer or another trustee, usually at THVH&PF committee meetings.  The tickets will be £1.00 per monthly draw but entries are to all 12 draws, so the cost is £12.00 per entry.   For eleven months of the year four tickets will be drawn each month the first 3 tickets drawn each holder will win £20 4th ticket Drawn will win £10.  For the month of December only, there will be four tickets drawn - £150 for the first ticket drawn, £100 for the second, £50 for the third and £20 for the forth, so bigger prizes just in time for Christmas!

All entrants must be over 16. Individuals can enter more than once. Cheques or BACS payment will be made to prize winners. Names of prize winners will be published on www.threeholesvillagehall00.org.uk.  Your ticket will be your receipt of payment and give your unique ticket number.      Contact Sally 01945 351225 or any committee member.